I wish you and your families a very joyous holiday season with family and friends. I hope you are able to take some time to do the things you enjoy the most. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
This week in writing students shared their Personal Narrative story they wrote with the class. Coming up students will spend time learning more about:
- Proper Nouns
- Adverbs ending in ly
- Contractions
- Using Commas in a Series
The spelling focus for week 15 is working with words that have the oo sound within them which can be spelled with either an oo or u. Please have your child sort his/her spelling words into 2 columns. Those words that have oo within them and those words that have u within them.
Spelling Words
Week Of:
Jan. 2-6
One-Syllable Words
1. brook
2. push
3. pull
4. bush
5. look
6. full
Two-Syllable Words
7. bully
8. bookshop
9. seagull
Grinch Juice Recipe
This week our class had Grinch juice to help celebrate Grinch Day. Several students have asked for the recipe so here it is:
- 7Up or Sprite
- Pineapple Juice
- Green Food Coloring
- A scoop of lime sherbet ice cream on top
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Word of the Month
The word of the month for December is TEAMWORK. This week students did a teamwork activity in which they had to work as a team to write a word by only grabbing three pieces of string that were tied to a marker. Lots of collaboration and communication was needed in order for each team to be successful with this activity!
This week in writing your child worked on editing their Personal Narrative. The next step in the writing process is for your child to turn their Personal Narrative into a finished story with pictures and a title page. Students will then share their stories next week with the rest of the class. It has been so fun to watch the writers within our classroom emerge!
Upcoming Dates
Monday, December 19th- Wear Green
Tuesday, December 20th- Wear an Ugly Sweater or a Holiday Shirt
Wednesday, December 21st- P. J. Day
Thursday, December 22nd- Wear Christmas Everything
Friday, December 23rd- No School
On Thursday, December 22nd our classroom will be having a read-a-thon in the morning. The read-a-thon will last for one hour and your child may bring in books from home to read, your child may choose books from within our classroom to read, or your child may choose to read books that he/she has checked out from the library. Everyone within our classroom will be reading the entire time including myself. Every fifteen minutes the entire class will stop with what they are reading and students will have the opportunity to give a book talk on the book they are reading. With Christmas right around the corner the excitement level is rising within our classroom. Your child has worked extremely hard already this year in his/her guided reading group. This read– a-thon will be a nice, relaxing way for your child to relax and enjoy reading some of his/her favorite books before going into Christmas vacation. If your child chooses he/she may bring in a healthy snack and/or a beverage to enjoy during the read-a-thon.
Dry Air
The air is dry indeed. Several students have come to me with chapped lips or dry hands. If able please send to school with your child a small bottle of hand lotion and some chapstick for them to keep in their locker.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Upcoming Dates
Monday, December 12th- Timberwolves Reading Sheets Due, Wear Red
Tuesday, December 13th- 2 Hour Late Start, Wear an Irish Shirt and Christmas Socks
Wednesday, December 14th- Wear Christmas Headwear
Thursday, December 15th- Wear Flannel
Friday, December 16th- Wear Crazy Tennis Shoes or Mismatched Shoes
As your child studies his/her spelling words all next week, have him/her say each word carefully and picture how it looks before they actually write the word. This will help your child visually remember what letter and where each letter goes within each word.
Spelling Words
Week Of:
Dec. 12-16
One-Syllable Words
1. down
2. shout
3. mouth
4. town
5. sprout
6. south
Two-Syllable Words
7. surround
8. powder
9. outside
This week in writing your child worked on coming up with a closing to their Personal Narrative. Your child also worked on revising their Personal Narrative. Adding words (adjectives and adverbs), removing words, and changing a word or sentence.
In phonics this week your child sorted words containing oy and oi. Your child also worked on fluency by reading several short passages that contained words that had the spelling pattern oy or oi within them.