Thursday, May 4th- Class Picture Day
Friday, May 19th- Track & Field Day
Friday, May 26th- Alternate Track & Field Day If Needed
Thursday, June 1st- Field Trip to Hemker Zoo
Thursday, May 4th- Class Picture Day
Friday, May 19th- Track & Field Day
Friday, May 26th- Alternate Track & Field Day If Needed
Thursday, June 1st- Field Trip to Hemker Zoo
The spelling focus for next week is working with base words that have the suffix ion added to the end of them as in suggestion, direction, decoration, etc.
Week Of:
May 1-5
1. suggest
2. suggestion
3. direct
4. direction
5. decorate
6. decoration
7. celebrate
8. celebration
9. add
10. addition
11. define
12. definition
I am still looking for a few more Jenga game donations. I came across a fun way to incorporate more addition facts into math by using the game Jenga. Thanks in advance for your donation if you are able to help!
In reading this week the main focus was comparing and contrasting animals, characters, settings, problems, and solutions within a story or within several stories. Students also compared and contrasted frogs and fish and students compared and contrasted penguins and parrots.
In science students continue learning about plants and their parts. Hopefully some much needed warmth will come our way so students can start to watch the life cycle of living things outside start to grow.
Thursday, April 27th- Come and watch animal presentations at 10:00 in our classroom
Friday, April 28th- Wear blue for autism awareness month
The spelling focus for next week is adding the suffix less to the end of base words as in:
Week Of:
April 24-28
1. price
2. priceless
3. use
4. useless
5. power
6. powerless
7. cloud
8. cloudless
9. breath
10. breathless
11. fear
12. fearless
In phonics this week your child worked with high-frequency words, your child worked with the prefixes dis, un, and re, and your child worked on fluency by partner reading short passages.
In reading this week students used a reader's theater script called The Tricky Garden to work on phrasing, dialogue, and to work with antonyms. This reader's theater was a favorite for many students. In May students will spend some time practicing and performing several different plays.
In phonics this week your child worked on adding the prefix re to the beginning of base words. Your child learned that when the prefix re is added to the beginning of a word it changes the meaning of that word to mean to do over again or redo.
Week Of:
April 17-21
1. order
2. disorder
3. agree
4. disagree
5. obey
6. disobey
7. trust
8. distrust
9. honest
10. dishonest
11. grace
12. disgrace
13. appear
14. disappear
Students continue to work on their google slides presentation using their Informational Report research topic.
As your child continues to read at home, continue to have him/her make predictions before, during, and after reading a text.
I came across a fun way to incorporate more addition facts into math by using the game Jenga. I am asking for any Jenga game donations if you are able to help. Thanks in advance for your donation if you are able to help!
Patience- Be sure to ask your child about the egg and spoon race we did this week focused around the word of the month patience. Time and endurance are 2 important words when learning about and practicing being patient.
Tuesday, April 11th- 2 Hour Late Start, Wear an Irish Shirt
Thursday, April 13th- Book Orders Due, PTA Bingo Night
Friday, April 14th- Wear Blue for Autism Awareness
Students are encouraged to wear blue every Friday in April for Autism Awareness Month.
Week Of:
April 10-14
1. paint
2. repaint
3. pay
4. repay
5. group
6. regroup
7. new
8. renew
9. turn
10. return
11. check
12. recheck
In writing this week students began the planning process for their Informational Report. Students made a chart focusing on what they already know, what they wonder, and what they want to learn about their topic. Students then began researching their topic, writing an introduction to their report, and collecting more facts for their report. Be watching for an invitation to be sent home later this month for you to come watch their presentations!
Patience- Being calm and understanding that some things take time and endurance. All throughout the month of April we will do several team building activities as a class focused around patience and sticking to the task!
All this week in guided reading students have been working on making predictions using picture and text clues. Students learned that a prediction is just like making a guess using what clues you know. Keep reminding your child to read nightly at home and to get their yellow reading sheet signed each night.